
Main research interests 

communication studies
journalism in theory and empiricism
medial memory studies
science communication
environment,- risk,- health communication
visual communication and press photography
media consumption and media effect research

Research projects (since 2003) 

2014 to 2017 „Media Conflict and Democratization“ (MeCoDEM)

Head of the sub-project (work package): „Journalistic Ethics and Work Routines“ 

overall management: Prof. Katrin Voltmer, University of Leeds (UK)

funded by the EU research programme; duration: three years

project assistants: Dr. Judith Lohner; Sandra Banjac, M.A.

2009 to 2017 „Klimawandel aus Sicht der Rezipienten. Zur Wahrnehmung und Deutung eines Wissenschaftsthemas im Prozess der öffentlichen Kommunikation“ (KlimaRez

sub-project within the DFG-funded priority programme 1409 „Wissenschaft und Öffentlichkeit“; duration: each two years in three approval phases

project assistants: Dr. Monika Taddicken (until 2012), Ines Lörcher, M.A. (2012-2017), Bastian Kießling und Dr. Imke Hoppe (2014-2017)

2010 to 2013 „Adaptive Hazard Management and Climate Change Communications. Case Studies in Asia“ (HazMan)

financed from the Fexible Pool of the excellence cluster CliSAP at the University of Hamburg; duration: three years

project assistant: Dr. Shameem Mahmud

2010 bis 2013 „Nachhaltige Katastrophenerinnerung im Journalismus / Sustainable Disaster Memory in Journalism. Schwerpunkte: Deutschland und Niederlande“ (StarG Nord

financed from the Fexible Pool of the excellence cluster CliSAP at the University of Hamburg; duration: three years

project assistant: Dr. Stefanie Trümper

2009 bis 2011 „Sturmfluten als regionale Geohazards. Langzeitanalyse des öffentlichen Diskurses von regionalen Geohazards in Medien, Politik und Bevölkerung am Beispiel Hamburgs seit 1962“ (StarG

financed from the Fexible Pool of the excellence cluster CliSAP at the University of Hamburg; duration: three years

project assistant: Dr. Corinna Lüthje

2003 „Wer krank ist, geht ins Netz“ (Gesundheitskommunikation)

cooperation project with the department of journalism and communication studies at the University of Hamburg and the neurosurgical clinic at the university hospital Eppendorf (UKE), Dr. Dieter Lüdecke

financially supported by Novartis, Nuremberg

project assistants: Hanns-Christian Kamp, M.A und Mascha Brichta, M.A.